Articles relating to: Latest opinions

Improving your team with Over The Bridge; Jamie’s activity guide

Improving your team with Over The Bridge; Jamie’s activity guide

Providing an in-depth look into MTa favourites, Jamie, Alex and James have created this series to share with you a detailed understanding of the activities which engage audiences and deliver considerable learning.   Why is it a good activity?...

Why soft skills are the new hard skills

Why soft skills are the new hard skills

Why are soft skills desirable and gaining in importance? Hard skills were once the main focus of the training professional, but approaches and attitudes to talent development have changed greatly over the years. As responsibility for decision making becomes...

Alex’s Favourite Activity for Leadership Development

Alex’s Favourite Activity for Leadership Development

In this series of articles, I’m trying to capture some of the immense experience and knowledge held by our senior facilitators at MTa and to see how our hands-on activities work in context. Today I’m talking to Alex Greenwood,...

How to REALLY win at the Marshmallow Challenge.

How to REALLY win at the Marshmallow Challenge.

You’re about to do the Marshmallow Challenge and want to know how to win? Or maybe you’re a facilitator looking to run the Marshmallow Challenge? In which case check out our blog post with instructions or download them right...

The Learning Arena: our robust methodology for effective experiential learning

The Learning Arena: our robust methodology for effective experiential learning

The Learning Arena by MTa is a methodology for facilitating effective experiential learning activities. It is a practical model underpinning our approach to experiential learning, which is fundamentally participant focused. When does experiential learning fail? The main reasons we’ve...

The Learning Arena: our robust methodology for effective experiential learning

The Learning Arena: our robust methodology for effective experiential learning

The Learning Arena by MTa is a methodology for facilitating effective experiential learning activities. It is a practical model underpinning our approach to experiential learning, which is fundamentally participant focused. When does experiential learning fail? The main reasons we’ve...

What’s all this fuss about Lego Serious Play?

What’s all this fuss about Lego Serious Play?

Lego Serious Play® – an unorthodox training philosophy, explored and evaluated Being fairly new to the Learning & Development industry, I’ve been doing plenty of online research to gen up on some of the key trends and methodologies around. ...

The Marshmallow Challenge doesn’t deliver. There are better alternatives.

The Marshmallow Challenge doesn’t deliver. There are better alternatives.

I love TED talks.  I love experiential learning activities.  Both have so much potential to reveal powerful and challenging learning.  So, you’d think that I’d love a TED talk about experiential learning… but I was disappointed when I saw...

The Biggest Personal Challenge for Facilitators?

The Biggest Personal Challenge for Facilitators?

Facilitating is an enabling role. It’s a role within a group, that helps others get the most out of themselves: their skills, knowledge and abilities. Facilitators do not therefore contribute directly to the content of the discussion nor decisions...

5 cool things you can do with an MTa Kit

5 cool things you can do with an MTa Kit

5 Cool things to do with an MTa Experiential Learning Kit We love to receive pictures of our kits in action. Here are some of the best examples from around the world… #1 Employee inductions #2 Graduate development #3...

Why the Paralympics are really the main event

Why the Paralympics are really the main event

The Olympic Games …were a wonderful celebration of sporting effort, achievement (often against the odds) and excellence: a great success in every way that has inspired young and old alike to get out and get involved in sport. But...